Wikidot Syntax

The majority of the content of this page is condensed from the Wikidot syntax page for ease of reading.

Text Styling

Inline Styling

Syntax Example
//italic text// italic text
**bold text** bold text
//**italic and bold**// italic and bold
__underline text__ underline text
--strikethrough text-- strikethrough text
{{teletype (monospaced) text}} teletype (monospaced) text
normal^^superscript^^ normalsuperscript
normal,,subscript,, normalsubscript
[[span style="color:red"]]custom //span// element[[/span]] custom span element
##blue|predefined## or ##44FF88|custom-code## color predefined or custom-code color

Text Alignment

Align left, left, left, left, left

Align right, right, right, right, right

Align center, center, center, center, center

Align left, left, left, left, left

Align right, right, right, right, right

Align center, center, center, center, center

Placing a = with a space at the beginning will center just that line, for single-line centering.

= This line will be centered.
This line will not.

This line will be centered.

This line will not.

Text Size

Syntax Example
[[size smaller]]Smaller Text[[/size]] Smaller Text
[[size larger]]Larger Text[[/size]] Larger Text
[[size 80%]]80% Of Current Size[[/size]] 80% Of Current Size
[[size 100%]]100% Of Current Size[[/size]] 100% Of Current Size
[[size 150%]]150% Of Current Size[[/size]] 150% Of Current Size
[[size 0.8em]]80% Of Current Size[[/size]] 80% Of Current Size
[[size 1em]]100% Of Current Size[[/size]] 100% Of Current Size
[[size 1.5em]]150% Of Current Size[[/size]] 150% Of Current Size
[[size xx-small]]Extra-Extra-Small Text[[/size]] Extra-Extra-Small Text
[[size x-small]]Extra-Small Text[[/size]] Extra-Small Text
[[size small]]Small Text[[/size]] Small Text
[[size large]]Large Text[[/size]] Large Text
[[size x-large]]Extra-Large Text[[/size]] Extra-Large Text
[[size xx-large]]Extra-Extra Large Text[[/size]] Extra-Extra Large Text
[[size 7px]]Text Size 7 Pixels[[/size]] Text Size 7 Pixels
[[size 18.75px]]Text Size 18.75 Pixels[[/size]] Text Size 18.75 Pixels

Escape Parsing/Raw Text

Two @ symbols in a row without spaces wrapped around text will escape parsing and render the raw text, aka show exactly the text you put in between the @ symbols. This is useful for showing symbols that are used by Wikidot syntax for styling, or to show how to style text (like in this guide).

Syntax Example
@@//Escape// **Parsing**@@ //Escape// **Parsing**

This is also used to escape parsing on line breaks and prevent Wikidot from collapsing lines, by putting four @ symbols in a row.

This code:

Wow that’s a big

Becomes this text:

Wow that’s a big


Another way to escape parsing is to put @< and >@ around the text. This is a more advanced method, and is also used to insert HTML entities.

This code:

Becomes this text:

Hello world @@ !!!!
[[module ListPages]]
Copyright sign: ©

This is the only way to escape @@, as trying to use the two @ symbol method of escaping on @ symbols does not work.


Three brackets [[[ ]]] will create a link to a page on the wiki you are currently on. This is the recommended syntax for creating links.

Syntax Example Notes
[[[entities]]] entities Shows the title of the page exactly as it was created.
[[[entities|Some text]]] Some text Useful when you want a link to show text other than the page name.
[[[top-rated-pages]]] top-rated-pages The same as the first example, using a page name with dashes.
[[[Top Rated Pages]]] Top Rated Pages This uses the page's title to create the link. URLs are automatically made into links.
[ wikidot] wikidot A named link, showing custom text.

Putting an asterisk * before the URL will have the link open in a new tab.

[ wikidot]

This unfortunately does not work on page links (the three-bracket markup). If you'd like to have a page link open in a new tab, you will need to use the URL of the page, not just the page title.

NOTE: A page's title and a page's name are two separate things, although they are usually similar to prevent confusion.

  • A page's title refers to the text that appears at the top of the page. This is the text that you enter as "Title of the page" when editing a page.
  • A page's name is the text that comes after the first slash in the URL, aka the text in the URL after


This is the code for images. It is recommended that you use this code.
{name} - The name of your image. It should include the file extension, i.e. ".jpg", ".png", etc. If the image isn't uploaded to the wiki page, it should be a URL ending with an image file extension.
{caption} - The caption for the image. This text can be styled with Wikidot syntax.


The first picture ever taken of Level 0.

[[include component:image-block
|caption=The first picture ever taken of **Level 0**.

For the default Wikidot image style, use the following code. Note that there is not caption area if you use this.
{image-source} - The image source, roughly corresponding to {name} in the wiki’s image markup.
{attribute} - An attribute assigned to the image, used to change things like size, css styles, or make the image link to a URL.

[[image image-source attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2" ...]]

More information on how to use Wikidot’s image markup, such as available attributes, can be found in Wikidot’s image markup documentation.

Creating Sections


Headings go from level 1 (H1) to level 6 (H6). Include a plus symbol + for each level of heading you would like. Headings will decrease in font size as the level increases.

+ Level 1 Heading
++ Level 2 Heading
+++ Level 3 Heading
++++ Level 4 Heading
+++++ Level 5 Heading
++++++ Level 6 Heading

Table of Contents

The code [[toc]] creates a table of contents, or TOC. This TOC will show each heading on the page.
To make the TOC float on the right side of the page, use [[f>toc]]
To make the TOC float on the left side of the page, use [[f<toc]]

If you don't want a specific heading to appear in the TOC (for example, you used the heading style only for appearance), put an asterisk * after the + on the heading.

+ This section appears in the TOC
+* And this one does not

See the top of this page for an example of what the TOC looks like.


You can create a bulleted list with the asterisk symbol *, and a numbered list with the pound symbol #. Putting spaces before the asterisk or pound symbol will indent the list.

* A bulleted list
 * This line is indented once
  * This line is indented twice
# A numbered list
 # This line is indented once
  # This line is indented twice
  • A bulleted list
    • This line is indented once
      • This line is indented twice
  1. A numbered list
    1. This line is indented once
      1. This line is indented twice

Block Quotes

Putting a > before a line of text will put the text inside of a block quote. You can increase the number of > symbols to indent the text.

> This is a block quote.
>> This is a block quote with indentation.
> This is more text.
> There is a blank line of space above this line of text!
> Make sure to put a space after the ">" symbol if you want to put blank lines of space inside of a block quote!

This is a block quote.

This is a block quote with indentation.

This is more text.

There is a blank line of space above this line of text!
Make sure to put a space after the ">" symbol if you want to put blank lines of space inside of a block quote!

Custom Divs

The Backrooms Wiki theme has a few custom div styles, in addition to Wikidot’s styles.

[[div class="blockquote"]]
Custom blockquote
[[div class="styled-quote"]]
Styled quote
[[div class="dark-styled-quote"]]
Dark styled quote
[[div class="lightblock"]]
Light block
[[div class="darkblock"]]
Dark block

Custom blockquote

Styled quote

Dark styled quote

Light block

Dark block

Collapsible Blocks

Collapsible blocks can be opened or closed to show or hide text.

[[collapsible show="+ Show whatever" hide="- Hide whatever"]]
Whatever text to show/hide.

If you have an especially long collapsible block, you might want to make it possible to close the collapsible from the bottom of the text as well as the top.

[[collapsible show="+ Show whatever" hide="- Hide whatever" hideLocation="both"]]
This collapsible block can be closed from the top and bottom!


Tables are created using two vertical bars || to indicate where the cell borders are. Putting a tilde (the ~ symbol) right after the bars will make that cell into a header cell. Putting a space and an underscore " _" at the end of a line inside of a cell will create a new line, allowing you to put multiple lines of text inside of a cell.

||~ lines must start and end ||~ with double vertical bars ||~ nothing ||
|| cells are separated by || double vertical bars || nothing ||
|||| you can span multiple columns by || starting each cell ||
|| with extra cell |||| separators ||
|||||| but perhaps an example is _
the easiest way to see ||
lines must start and end with double vertical bars nothing
cells are separated by double vertical bars nothing
you can span multiple columns by starting each cell
with extra cell separators
but perhaps an example is
the easiest way to see


The [[footnote]] block will put a list of footnotes at the end of the page. Using [[footnoteblock]] will allow you to put the list of footnotes wherever you like in the page, instead of at the bottom of the page.

Some text[[footnote]]And a small footnote.[[/footnote]]. Here we go
with another footnote[[footnote]]Content of another footnote.[[/footnote]].


Some text1. Here we go with another footnote2.

You can create a custom title for the footnote list with [[footnoteblock title="Custom title"]]. Using {title=""} will remove the title.


Content can be split into tabs. This is useful for sandbox pages with multiple drafts. Tabviews cannot be nested within each other directly. It is possible to do so with advanced code, but it is best to avoid nesting tabviews. Tabviews also do not function with tables of contents, as the TOC link will not properly link to the header inside of a tab.

[[tab Title of Tab No. 1]]
Content of Tab No. 1.
[[tab Title of Tab No. 2]]
Content of Tab No. 2.
[[tab Title of Tab No. 3]]
Content of Tab No. 3.

Content of Tab No. 1.


Four or more dashes ---- will make a horizontal line, like below:

To link to a Wikidot user's profile, use [[user user-name]] or [[*user user-name]].
Syntax Example Notes
[[user ghostchibi]] ghostchibi Does not show the user's profile image or karma level.
[[*user ghostchibi]] ghostchibighostchibi Shows the user's profile image and karma level.

To display code as-is (with some limitations), use the following:

insert the code here

The above will display as:

insert the code here
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